Strategic planning, Goals, Key indicators, Controlling


Increasing organisational efficiency


Your strategic partner


IT for supply chain management


About our company

Our company was established in 2012 with the mission to provide support to leaders of Hungarian enterprises and foreign-owned companies operating in Hungary from strategic planning to operative implementation.

Strategic goal setting
Strategic goal setting
Business planning
Business planning
Breaking down strategic goals, managing implementation projects
Breaking down strategic goals, managing implementation projects
Improving the operation of the organisation
Improving the operation of the organisation, increasing efficiency
Staff commitment
Staff commitment or aligning individual and corporate goals
Monitoring business performance (KPI)
Monitoring business performance (KPI), introducing a controlling system
Detecting organisational anomalies
Detecting and eliminating organisational anomalies
Working out a business development system
Working out a business development system, improving its efficiency
Understanding the challenges of digitisation
Understanding the challenges of digitisation
Multinational Practical Background for Committed Managers and Business Managers
Strong professional background partner network
Individual solution, global adaptation of know-how
Peter Paroczai

Peter Paroczai

Owner - Managing Director

Our services

  • Overview of the organisation
  • Overview of the operational structure
  • Overview of the market and the business situation
  • Overview of the controlling system and operational efficiency
  • Examination of the business development system and potential
  • Examination of the innovation potential

We provide an effective tool, an efficient method to our partners to develop fast and simple strategic planning for their businesses that can be effectively adjusted to the changing environment.

  • Defining a system of goals
    • Analysis of the present situation
    • Vision analysis
    • Market segment analysis
    • Analysing the effects of megatrends and market trends
  • Defining and strengthening values and drivers
    • Reviewing the value proposition
    • Examining the stakeholders
    • Analysing the present organisational culture
    • Assessing motivation
  • Detecting hampering factors and forces and organisational anomalies, dealing with their unfavourable effects
    • Analysing stress in the organisation
    • Analysing the ability to change
    • Conflict analysis
    • Tornado analysis
  • Developing the system of implementation
    • Developing the strategic plan
    • Preparing the implementation road map
    • Defining the requirements in the control system

Our service entails continuous cooperation for 4-8 quarters with weekly on-site sessions and 1 or 2 2-day workshops, based on a preliminary assessment and according to our agreement.


Business development is heavily sales focused (but it is not just sales, otherwise it’d be called sales or trading).

It uses marketing tools as well (but it is more interdisciplinary than ‘regular’ marketing).

It taps into creatology (has knowledge about creativity and uses it).

It is knowledgeable about innovation and can use it in innovation management (a bit of project management, a bit of financing, a little knowledge about grant applications).

It has thorough knowledge about IT, information systems and telecommunications devices, and uses it in its activities (ICT).

  • Creating new products/services – (product development, service development)
  • Creating new quality for existing products/services
  • Entering a new market, acquiring new clients
  • Introducing a new sales channel
  • Exploring new purchasing options
  • Launching new communication channels or forms

Enterprises and companies face fierce competition, and as a result, they strive to develop continuously, but sometimes they are not aware that some of their developments involve innovation for which they can apply for support. We strive to manage development in a systematic way, with an innovation project approach. In this field, we provide the following activities to our clients:

  • formulating a development concept that suits the needs and the situation of the client,
  • developing an innovation strategy,
  • developing specific project ideas,
  • raising funds through raising capital, finding investors, credit facilities and grants,
  • innovation project management.
  • Company Development Diagnosis
  • Developing and breaking down strategic goals (in workshops)
  • Adapting the organisational strategy to the changing environment


Vasi Opus Építőipari Kft.
Vasi Opus Építőipari Kft.
AQ Anton
AQ Anton
MAM Hungária Kft.
MAM Hungária Kft.
Galambos Logistic Kft.
Galambos Logistic Kft.
Claas Hungária Kft.
Claas Hungária Kft.
Insento pro
Insento pro
Iqor Global Services Kft.
Iqor Global Services Kft.
Miell Quality Kft.
Miell Quality Kft.
Nemótrans Kft.
Nemótrans Kft.
iSi Automotive Hungary
iSi Automotive Hungary

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Our cooperating partners

Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation
Human Matrix Kft.
Human Matrix Kft.
Improvers group
Improvers group
PL3 Kft.
PL3 Kft.
Technology Center
Technology Center
Vibercon Kft.
Vibercon Kft.
Always Better Marketing
Always Better Marketing