Innovation Management

Enterprises and companies face fierce competition, and as a result, they strive to develop continuously, but sometimes they are not aware that some of their developments involve innovation for which they can apply for support. We strive to manage development in a systematic way, with an innovation project approach. In this field, we provide the following activities to our clients:

  • formulating a development concept that suits the needs and the situation of the client,
  • developing an innovation strategy,
  • developing specific project ideas,
  • raising funds through raising capital, finding investors, credit facilities and grants,
  • innovation project management.
Breaking down strategic goals, managing implementation projects
Breaking down strategic goals, managing implementation projects
Staff commitment
Staff commitment or aligning individual and corporate goals
Monitoring business performance (KPI)
Monitoring business performance (KPI), introducing a controlling system
Strategic goal setting
Strategic goal setting
Working out a business development system
Working out a business development system, improving its efficiency
Business planning
Business planning
Detecting organisational anomalies
Detecting and eliminating organisational anomalies
Improving the operation of the organisation
Improving the operation of the organisation, increasing efficiency
Understanding the challenges of digitisation
Understanding the challenges of digitisation